
OurHelpingHand launches in the Beaches area of Toronto

The pandemic has been tough on all of us, but none more so than those living on their own.  The Beeches area of Toronto has one of the highest rates of elderly people living in the whole of Toronto, who have witnessed a great deal of change over the years and a new service was launched to help them with the small tasks that can make a big difference to their lifestyle.

The Beech area has always been a strong community that has thrived on people helping each other.   OurHelpingHand was launched as a voluntary service whereby people can volunteer some of their time to help those people that needed it most.   Inspired by a trip back to the UK, where the founder, Grant Channer witnessed the struggles that his own parents are having doing the simplest things, the service aims to support the community that has supported everyone around them for so long.

October 1st is the official launch of the service and, it is hoped that a few people (or their families) reach out and the people in need are matched with people that want to help.  Whether it is simply going to the supermarket to pick up food, speaking to utility companies to reduce the bills or simply mowing the lawn, the services are endless and tailored to the needs of those that need to be helped.

We hope that this is a value that is added to the community and a positive result for everyone involved.