A site dedicated to recognising the value of our community and the people that have been instrumental in building it over the years.  Isn't it time we gave them a helping hand?


Why we started.

No-one is going to argue that the past couple of years has been tough on all of us, and especially those of us who have been separated from our loved ones and are restricted in how we can see them. After almost two years, last month I managed to return to the UK to see my parents and it sparked an idea. You see they are both in their 80s, amazing people, proud but need some help. My dad has early-stage dementia and my mother is struggling under the pressure. They have professional help that visit them daily but in the two weeks that I was with them, I was amazed at the tasks that I could do for them that made their lives easier. Everything from simplifying their TV viewing to putting labels on keys and answering simple computer queries. These jobs took me minutes to execute but were invaluable to them. I love living in the Beaches (or Beach– I don’t want to alienate anyone) and the community that surrounds us. On my road alone, I have seen lots of elderly people that could just need a bit of help. Their loved ones and amazing family sometimes live a long distance away and just can’t pop in to perform the simplest of tasks. I can’t tell you how many times I have spent an hour on talking to my mum about how to fix the volume on her Alexa from thousands of miles away, when I knew that in 5 minutes if I had popped over it would have been solved. And that is where the idea of ourhelpinghand.ca come from – a portal for us to give back to those people who have made our community so great over the years. I feel that we can be there to help those who aren’t asking for it but may need it. I want to give up some of my free time to be there to support the people where their family can’t just pop in, and in the community that I love the most.

So, to that end, I have set up this website where you can either ask for help or pledge your support to help. We all have limed free time but even the odd hour here and there makes such a difference. And of course, there is no charge. The biggest reward is to give back, so I hope that you are open to join me on this journey. I personally want to help and so if you know of anyone that needs this service, I am ready to get started tomorrow. I look forward to seeing how this initiative takes off. . 


Grant Channer

Beach resident for 6 years



Trusted clients



Successful cases



Happy customers


We Are Here To Help Anyway We Can

Helping out with technical questions around the home - internet, google etc.

Light Housework

Gardening, Fixing lightbulbs, snow clearing etc.


Finding effective ways to solve the simplest of problems.


Coming over for a quick cup of tea and a chat.


Picking up local items from the stores


Helping with your pets and making sure they are supported


Giving you a lift to local appointments.



Being there in case of an emergency

Learn Something More From Our Latest News

Watch here for more blogs and news from us.

We Are Local and Proud to Help Our Community

Grant Channer

Marketer, Beaches Resident
I am Grant and the founder of OurHelpingHand. I am originally from the UK but am now a Canadian Citizen with no plans to move back. I came to Canada 10 years ago and have lived in the Beeches for 6 years now and love everything about it..

Speciality: Marketing and Odd Jobs
Degrees: Business Studies.


Head Dog, Beaches Resident
Not great at housework but great company.

Speciality: Ball Chasing
Degrees: Barking
What The Customer Say's About Our Team
Michael Phillips,

Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus viverra quis, feugiat tellus Phasellus .


Jeffrey Bennett

Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus viverra quis, feugiat tellus Phasellus .

Emily Schlegel

Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus viverra quis, feugiat tellus Phasellus .


Some questions we have been asked

We know there are lot of questions you may have and so we have done our best to lay them out here . 

We will Email you back as soon as we get your Email request and arrange a 15-minute chat to find out more about you, the person that needs support and tailor what we can do for you.  We don’t want to spend our time back and forth on emails and get straight to helping straight away.  All our services are tailored towards your specific needs and the availability of our volunteers

Yes for the whole of 2023 we are offering this service free.  We want to give back to our community and find out if this is a service that is needed.

We try and help everyone but we do have limited resources.  Every case is taken on its merits

Of course, the more the merrier.  The more people we have helping, the more we can help.  Get in touch.

Feel Free To Ask Somthing We Are Here

Wineva Avenue, Toronto. M4E 2T4

+1 647 987 7919

Email: Info@ourhelpinghand.ca